O Tchernichovski, S Frey, DC Conley, N Jacoby (2025) Reasoning within and between collective action problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.16677
O Tchernichovski, E Globerson, P Harrison, N Jacoby (2025). How constraints on editing affects cultural evolution. arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.16694
Q Zhong, N Jacoby, O Tchernichovski, S Frey (2025) Institutional Preferences in the Laboratory. arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.06748
GC Imaezue, O Tchernichovski, M Goral (2024) Self-improved language production in nonfluent aphasia through automated recursive self-feedback. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-15
H Toutounji, AT Zai, O Tchernichovski, RHR Hahnloser, D Lipkind (2024) Learning the sound inventory of a complex vocal skill via an intrinsic reward. Science Advances 10 (13)
O Tchernichovski, S Frey , N Jacoby & D Conley (2023) Incentivizing free riders improves collective intelligence in social dilemmas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
G C. Imaezue ,O Tchernichovski & M Goral (2023). Recursive Self-feedback Improved Speech Fluency in Two Patients with Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia. Aphasiology (1-24)
O Tchernichovski, S Eisenberg-Edidin, E Jarvis (2021) Balanced imitation sustains song culture in zebra finches. Nature Communications (2021)
O Tchernichovski Ofer, S Frey, N Jacoby, D Conley (2021) Experimenting With Online Governance. Frontiers in Human Dynamics
P Harrison, R Marjieh, F Adolfi, P van Rijn, M Anglada-Tort, O Tchernichovski N Jacobi (2021) Gibbs Sampling with People. NIPS 2021
J Hyland Bruno, ED Jarvis, M Liberman, O Tchernichovski (2020) Birdsong Learning and Culture: Analogies with Human Spoken Language. Annual Review of Linguistics 7 & PDF here
TC Roeske, O Tchernichovski, D Poeppel, N Jacoby (2020) Categorical Rhythms Are Shared between Songbirds and Humans. Current Biology
Ofer Tchernichovski,Lucas C. Parra,Daniel Fimiarz, Arnon Lotem,Dalton Conley (2019). Crowd wisdom enhanced by costly signaling in a virtual rating system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Mar 2019, 201817392; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1817392116
O Tchernichovski, D Conley. (2019) A genetically tailored education for birds. Nature 575 (7782), 290-291
Zhimin Shi, Zoe Piccus, Xiaofang Zhang, Huidi Yang, Hannah Jarrell, Yan Ding, Zhaoqian Teng, Ofer Tchernichovski, XiaoChing Li (2018) miR-9 regulates basal ganglia-dependent developmental vocal learning and adult vocal performance in songbirds. eLife
JH Bruno, O Tchernichovski (2017) Regularities in zebra finch song beyond the repeated motif. Behavioural Processes
D Lipkind, AT Zai, A Hanuschkin, GF Marcus, O Tchernichovski, R Hahnloser (2017). Songbirds work around computational complexity by learning song vocabulary independently of sequence. Nature Communications 8 (1), 1247
K Tokarev, JH Bruno, I Ljubičić, PJ Kothari, SA Helekar, O Tchernichovski H. Voss (2017) Sexual dimorphism in striatal dopaminergic responses promotes monogamy in social songbirds eLife 6, e25819
O Tchernichovski, M King, P Brinkmann, X Halkias, D Fimiarz, L Mars D. Conley (2017) Tradeoff Between Distributed Social Learning and Herding Effect in Online Rating Systems: Evidence From a Real-World Intervention. SAGE Open 7 (1), 2158244017691078
O Tchernichovski, O Feher, D Fimiarz, D Conley (2017) How social learning adds up to a culture: from birdsong to human public opinion. Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (1), 124-132
Fehér, I Ljubičić, K Suzuki, K Okanoya, O Tchernichovski (2017) Statistical learning in songbirds: from self-tutoring to song culture Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372 (1711), 20160053
O. Tchernichovski D. Lipkind (2016) Encoding Vocal Culture. Science 354, 6317.
E Janney, H Taylor, C Scharff, D Rothenberg, LC Parra, O Tchernichovski (2016) Temporal regularity increases with repertoire complexity in the Australian pied butcherbird's song. Royal Society Open Science 3 (9), 160357
Tchernichovski O Oller DK (2016) Vocal Development: How Marmoset Infants Express Their Feelings. Current Biology 26 (10), R422-R424
Ljubicic I, Hyland-Bruno J, Tchernichovski O (2016) Social influences on song learning. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 7, 101-107
Benichov J, Globerson E Tchernichovski O (2016) Finding the beat: From socially coordinated vocalizations in songbirds to rhythmic entrainment in humans. Frontiers in Human NeuroScience http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2016.00255
Benichov J,Benezra, SE, Vallentin, D, Globerson E, Long MA Tchernichovski, O (2016) The Forebrain Song System Mediates Predictive Call Timing in Female and Male Zebra Finches. Current Biology. 26(3). 309-318. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.12.037
Sasahara K, Tchernichovski O, Takahasi M, Suzuki K Okanoya K (2015) A rhythm landscape approach to the developmental dynamics of birdsong. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0802
Margoliash, D. Tchernichovski O (2015) Marmoset kids actually listen. Science 349.6249: 688-689.
Tchernichovski O Marcus G (2014) Vocal learning beyond imitation: mechanisms of adaptive vocal development in songbirds and human infants. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, pp. 42-47 DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.06.002
Rothenberg D, Roeske TC, Voss H, Naguib M Tchernichovski O (2014) Investigation of musicality in birdsong. Hearing Research
Lipkind D, Marcus GF, Bemis DK, Sasahara K, Jacoby N, Takahasi M, Suzuki K, Feher O, Ravbar P, Okanoya K Tchernichovski O. (2013) Stepwise acquisition of vocal combinatorial capacity in songbirds and human infants. Nature. doi: 10.1038/nature12173
Lipkind D, Marcus GF, Bemis DK Tchernichovski O Shared protocol for babbling analysis. Nature Share
Ravbar, P., Lipkind, D., Parra, L. C., Tchernichovski, O. (2012). Vocal Exploration Is Locally Regulated during Song Learning. Journal of Neuroscience 7 March 2012, 32 (10: 3422-3432
Lipkind, D., Tchernichovski, O (2011) Quantification of developmental birdsong learning from the subsyllabic scale to cultural evolution. PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1012941108
Kristen K. Maul, Henning U. Voss, Lucas C. Parra, Delanthi Salgado-Commissariat, Douglas Ballon, Ofer Tchernichovski, Santosh A. Helekar (2010) The development of stimulus-specific auditory responses requires song exposure in male but not female zebra finches. Developmental Neurobiology Vol 70-1 pp 28-40
Feher, O., Wang, H., Saar, S., Mitra, PP, Tchernichovski, O. (2009) De novo establishment of wild-type song culture in the zebra finch. Nature 459 2009 DOI: 10.1038
Saar,S., Mitra, PP (2008) A Technique for Characterizing the Development of Rhythms in Bird Song. PLoS ONE 3(1)
Tchernichovski, O., Wallman, J (2008) Neurons of imitation. Nature 451, 17, pp 245-246
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Valente, D., Wang, H., Andrews, P., Saar, S., Tchernichovski, O., Golani,I., Mitra, PP (2007) Characterization of animal behavior through the use of audio and video signal processing. IEEE multimedia : signal processing in life sciences issue Oct. 2007 p.32-41.
Andrews, P., Saar, S., Wang, H., Valente, D., Serkhane, J., Tchernichovski, O., Golani, I., Mitra, PP (2006) Multimedia signal processing for behavioral quantification in Neuroscience. ACM Multimedia Conference 2006, OCT 2006, 1-10
Deregnaucourt S, Mitra PP, Feher O, Pytte C, Tchernichovski O (2005) How sleep affects the developmental learning of bird song. Nature, Vol. 433, No. 7027. (17 February 2005), pp. 710-716
Tchernichovski, O., Lints T., Deregnaucourt S., Mitra P.P. (2004). Analysis of the entire song development: Methods and Rationale. Ann NY Acad Sci. 1016: 348–363 special issue: Neurobiology of Birdsong, Eds. Ziegler Marler)
Deregnaucourt S., Mitra P.P., Lints, T., Tchernichovski, O. (2004). Song development: In Search for the error-signal. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004 1016: 364-376 Special issue: Neurobiology of Birdsong, Eds. Ziegler Marler)
Tchernichovski, O., Mitra, P.P. (2002) Towards quantification of vocal imitation in the zebra finch.Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188: 867-878
Tchernichovski, O., Mitra, P.P., Lints, T., Nottebohm, F. (2001) Dynamics of the vocal imitation process: how a zebra finch learns its song.Science, 291 (5513) 2564-2569.
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Tchernichovski, O., Schwabl, H., Nottebohm, F. (1998) Context determines the sex appeal of male zebra finch song Animal Behaviour 55, 1003-1010.
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Golani, I., Einat, H., Tchernichovski, O., Teitelbaum, P. (1997) Keeping the body straight in the unconstrained locomotion of normal and dopamine stimulant treated rats.
Tchernichovski, O., Benjamini, Y., Golani, I. (1996) Constraints and the emergence of ‘Free’ exploratory behavior in rat ontogeny. Behaviour 133, 519-539.
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